

10TH – 12TH MAY 2016


Time Tuesday 10th
08:30-08:45 Opening Ceremonies
Brig. Gen. Jukka Sonninen
08:45-09:30 Keynote Speaker
Mr. Magnus Moberg
Reflective practitioner – what is good education and learning?
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09:30-10:00 Coffee break
Exhibition opens
10:00-10:30 LTC Damien Plant
ADL and sustainability
10:40-11:10 Dr. Gro Frølund
E-learning at the Royal Danish Defence College: Emerging Practices
11:20-12:00 Exhibition
Presentation from exhibitors
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-13:30 Cdr. Geir Isaksen
How to add motivational design in your e-learning
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2 rounds á
40 min.

Workshop period 1
Associate Professor Martin Hans Jensen
Technology-Enhanced Teaching
WORKSHOP 3 (Meeting room 2)
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Mr. Håkan Eliasson
Using net meeting tools in learning situations
WORKSHOP 2 (Meeting room 8)

Mr. Magnus Moberg
Reflective Practitioner – what is good education and learning?
WORKSHOP 1 (Auditorium)

ICT Educator Erika Östling
Different approaches and lessons learned from Blended Learning
WORKSHOP 4 (Meeting room 3)
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15:10-15:30 Coffee break
15:30-16:00 Lt. res. Kalle Huhtala
FDF 1-2-3: A Moodle-based MOOC about the Finnish Defence Forces


2 rounds á
40 min.

Workshop period 2
Head of Product Sven Ove Sjølyst
Learner-adaptive content - make learning adapt to the user's needs
WORKSHOP 1 (Meeting room 2)
Download Presentation

Lt. Res. Kalle Huhtala
Using Microsoft OneNote and Surface Pro for eLearning concept work and content production
WORKSHOP 2 (Meeting room 3)

WO-II Frank Wilhard Rosengaard
How to use Adobe Captivate as a content builder
WORKSHOP 3 (Meeting room 8)
  Exhibition area open until 18:00
19:30 Informal Dinner (casual)

Time Wednesday 11th
08:30-08:45 Admin remarks
08:45-09:30 Keynote Speaker
Dr. Sae Schatz, Director ADL Initiative
Emerging Technologies and the Future of Military Learning
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09:30-10:00 Coffee break
Exhibition opens
10:00-10:30 Advisor Ville Tuominen
Breakthrough in learning effectiveness and analytics with Phenomenon-Based Learning and Experience API
10:40-11:10 Dr. Tom Archibald
Is Technology Changing Our Brains?
11:20-12:00 Exhibition
Presentation from exhibitors
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-13:30 Ms. Tanja Geiss and Mr. Gigi Roman
Leveraging Emerging Learning Technologies at NATO School Oberammergau
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2 rounds á
40 min.

Workshop Period 3
Chief Development Officer Petri Virtanen
H5P, xAPI and PVMoodle 3.0
WORKSHOP 1 (Meeting room 3)

Chief Commercial Officer Janne Hietala
Digital Transformation of Learning
WORKSHOP 2 (Auditorium)

WO-II Bob Ludvigsen and Multimedia Designer Ramon Roset Sanjaume
Virtual World Sandbox
WORKSHOP 3 (Meeting room 8)
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15:10-15:30 Coffee break
15:30-16:00 Cdr. Leif Ivar Wahlund and Lt. Cdr. Roar Gabrielsen
A new engaging E-learning course in Submarine Safety
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2 rounds á
40 min.

Workshop period 4
Maj. Niclas Ljung and Maj. Tohmas Ax
Using Learning Platforms for other purposes than courses
WORKSHOP 1 (Meeting room 2)

Mr. Timo Karvinen
Designing self learning material - Tips and Tricks
WORKSHOP 2 (Meeting room 3)

Mr. Magnus Gudmundsson
Handheld video production, 360 video
WORKSHOP 3 (Meeting room 8)

Chief Development Officer Petri Virtanen
Making interactive videos with the open source product H5P
WORKSHOP 4 (Auditorium)
  Exhibition area open until 18:00
19:30 Formal Dinner (no jeans)

Time Thursday 12th
08:30-08:45 Admin remarks
08:45-09:30 Keynote Speaker
Mr. Paul Thurkettle, E-learning Program Manager at NATO  ACT
Preparing the individual for the Collective
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09:30-10:00 Coffee break
Exhibition opens
10:00-10:30 Business Development Manager Jenna Tuck
Enhancing Training Effectiveness of Legacy Training Products for Millennials
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10:40-11:10 Associate Professor Per Hessellund
Marine engineer through distance learning in a group organized setup
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11:20-12:00 Dir. Paul Jesukiewicz
Government Shared Learning Services
Download Presentation
12:00-13:00 Closing remarks
Welcome to Sweden 2017
13:00-13:30 Departure
Transport available from the Conference Center to the Airport between 1200 and 1500

Keynote speakers: 45 mins.
Speakers (Auditorium): 30 mins.
Parallel sessions: 40 mins.
Workshops: 2x40 mins. or
Workshop: 90 mins.


Exhibition in every break
